The first Autonomous vehicles to receive traffic approval in the United States belong to the Nuro startup. The national highway traffic safety administration (NHTSA), the organization that regulates road safety in the United States, will allow Nuro to operate for the next two years, a fleet of up to 5,000 Autonomous vehicles.
Vehicles christened quite mysteriously R2 (without D2, however) will run on the streets of Houston and be used for pizza delivery and other purchases. Cars produced by Nuro that are no wider than the normal half of the car do not have a steering wheel, seats, or side mirrors. The first public tests will begin in the coming weeks, and the NHTSA decision will be classified by Nuro as "an important moment for the industry" " the California startup says the company's dream is "a future in which everything comes to you, for free."
The design and production of Autonomous cars were made in Detroit by Roush Enetrprises. Vehicles have sufficient battery capacity to operate throughout the day, while the space intended for charging is air-conditioned so that products remain fresh during transport. Nuros R2's first customers include Walmart, a supermarket chain, and Domino's pizza.